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Estructura de Comunidades de Colibríes

Datos informativos
Título Unraveling The Structure of Hummingbird Communities and Their Interactions In Urban Environments
Organismo de cooperación Instituto Federal Suizo para la Invesetigación de Bosques, Nieve y Paisaje (WSL)
Grupo de investigación Grupo de Investigación de Biología
Año 2023

Resumen ejecutivo

Urban areas in the world are increasing, and there is a critical need to understand the patterns and process that shape biodiversity in cities. However, there is a large knowledge gap about key ecological functions in urban environments in tropical areas. Pollination interactions in cities have an important role for the maintenance of biodiversity, and in this study we will explore hummingbird – plant pollination interactions in Cuenca city. The aims of our study are: 1) assessing changes in the composition and structure of plant – hummingbird interactions in urban and native forest environments, 2) comparing the behavior of hummingbirds in urban and native environments, and 3) scaling up our results, to explore how urban areas filter our particular hummingbirds species and reduce overall hummingbird diversity in cities of the northern Andes. This knowledge is critical for supporting conservation and restoration of biodiversity in tropical Andean cities.
